Sunday, July 4, 2010

Amping Up

6 months. When it comes to Christmas or Birthdays or even a vacation, 6 months comes along so friggin' fast. I mean, I'm not ready for Christmas. Unless you are the worlds most organized person or you are regifting what you got last year, then YOU are not ready for Christmas either. You, like most us (ME) will not get ready for Christmas until a couple of weeks before. I won't go out on "BLACK FRIDAY" because I don't think waiting in line for 2 hours for $25 off is worth it. Maybe if it is $100 off. I have a hard time with self-inflicted torture. I consider lines and seas of people torture.

So, 6 months is what I'm going to attempt. I've tried weight watchers, atkins, the GI diet, the cabbage soup diet, the south beach diet. This time I'm going balls to the walls. I'm doing the liquid fast. Medically supervised. I have a team of people I meet with once a week. A nutristionist, a medical Dr., and food addiction counselor. I'm going to give it 6 months.

For this fast I have to have a physical and blood work done. So I've had to the opportunity to really think about it. My physical is not until July 8th. My blood work is done. Once I get my blood work done then the 3 amigos will meet with me and I will begin.

The shake that I'm going to be drinking is the HMR-800. It is going to be about 830 calories. It comes in vanilla and chocolate. I've tried both. Neither of them make me scream for more. I'm imagining that after a week or so of strict discipline and comsumption of these shakes that I will start to crave them. Like anything...I've gone off of diet soda and only drank water. After a week I really wanted to have water and not the soda.

Why am I doing this? Because I do the best when I have the least amount of options. Choosing between vanilla and chocolate is pretty limiting. I do not cook. Half of my problem is that I wait to eat until I'm so hungry I will eat anything in my path. There isin't an inbetween for me. I don't really eat until I'm in need of something and something fast. Since I don't cook and never will, I have to grab something quick. Look, I know you are proably thinking these are excuses. I know myself. I know what I will do and what I won't do. I've tried the diets that require all of this cooking to eat healthy. I won't do it. I do not like to cook. Nothing anyone can do will convince me to like to cook. I don't like it. I don't want to cook at all.

How will I, if successful, keep the weight off. I don't know. How would I with any other diet?

I'm banking on the 3 amigos. I'm banking on their support and knowledge of helping the porky become thin. They have helped hundreds of people lose weight. I do not suspect that I'm much different than anyone else they have encountered. I do not pretend to be some specialty case.

Here are my stats. 5'7 female. 33 years old. 228 pounds.

I can walk. I enjoy walking. I will even jog a bit when feeling inspired. I lack the motivation. I need to see quick results. So, I'm giving it 6 months and I'm amping up to start this diet next week. I'm not sure which day...but one of them will be the last day I have solid food for 6 months.

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