Sunday, November 21, 2010

November 21 - Phase 3

I've kept it off for almost a month. I haven't gained a pound. I haven't lost either. I'm ready to head into Phase 3. I'm starting P90X tomorrow to try and tone up. I've got a flabby belly and flabby arms, and breasts that look like ski jumps. It is time to try to get things back in the same place they were awhile ago. I realize that they will most likely never be exactly the same..but I'm hoping a little muscle tone will help them to get up with me in the morning. We shall see. Anyone out there have p90x?? Wanna start with me tomorrow? Its going to kick our asses. But in 90 days we will look amazing!

I remember begging friends and family to do the shake fast with me. No one would do it. what are they saying? "I wanna do what you did. You look amazing, so quickly!"

My legs, however, are super toned and gorgeous! All this running has given me killer gams.

I'm eating little meals all day. I've found that mapping out my course for the entire day is essential so that hidden sneak food attacks do not sabotage me. I try to eat every 2 hours. The other day a friend of mine came in with 2 lbs of freshly made fudge. YIKES!!! Thankfully I wasn't ravenous as I'd been sticking to the plan and was able to take a little nibble and move on. Notice I didn't NOT have it. I ate it. I've stopped playing the "you can't have it" mind games. There is nothing that I won't eat..besides FAST FOOD. I'm just not that type of girl anymore. If you are a fast food eater....just sit outside of one of those places in your car for 15 minutes. Notice the clientele. YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. So stop pretending like you are. You know that there are just some things in your life that you will not do. Start saying that about fast food. You are not that kind of girl/boy. I will whip through and get a black coffee. Damn, they are $1 for any size!!! That is it though.

Here is a little sample of what I will eat during the day:

6am: Rise & Shine: Coffee-black
8am: 1 packet of instant oatmeal (High fiber w/brown sugar.)
10am: 2 Cups of Salad with a non-fat dressing
12pm: 1 can of progresso soup and a lean cuisine
2pm: Yogurt
4pm: 2 cups of popcorn with a sprinkle of my favorite butter flavoring.d
6pm: Meal w/family - Portioned out
7pmish: Skinny Cow desert or even weight watchers snack or sugar free jello with whip cream

I try to burn 2500 calories or more a week.

For those of you starting out exercising go and get one of those pedometers. Try to get in 10,000 steps a day. Keeping track of your steps is motivating. You will park further away at the grocery store or work just to get those extra steps in. Take the stairs...all such cliche things to say but they are true.

My daughter is begging me to get off the computer and pay attention to I've got to go. Have a fabulous fresh start this week!! I love Mondays..even though Sunday is the first of the week...its just a great day to start something new.

Till next time!! :)

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