Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November 23 - Taste Bud Modification

The best thing I ever did for myself was go through a taste bud modification. Before the shake fast (HMR-800) I craved sweets, fatty foods and salty foods. After having nothing but shakes for 12 weeks it reset my taste buds. I literally went through a detox and my body hit the reset button.

I tried sushi for the first time last week and loved it. I now drink coffee black without all the crap in it. It just tastes better. I like dark chocolate. I prefer water over soda. The soda just tastes to0 sweet and salty. I prefer soda water with lemon when out. Its really amazing!!

One of the best justifications for choosing a shake fast is for the behavior modification. How can you have a "lifesytle" change without changing your demons? You cannot fight off salty foods and sugar forever without a full reset. Do it...RESET!

Fearing Thanksgiving? I'm not going to fear it at all. I'm going to embrace it. If I want it, I'm going to eat it. Stop the mental battle. Indulge...indulge slowly. ENJOY it...this indulgance comes once or twice a year. A little bit goes a LONG way. My nutritionist says it takes 20 minutes to feel full. If you stuff your face so quickly that the suction alone takes the food off the plate of the person sitting nearest you...slow down!! Take a bite, sip some water. Try to enjoy it and not just consume it. Have you ever spied on skinny person eating? Try it...they eat so slowly its painful to watch. You could run over take two bites off of their plate and they wouldn't notice. They don't guard their food like a wild animal. They take a bite, chit chat with friends, read a newspaper, get up and go and do something else. This week I'm going to try and eat my meal in 20 minutes.

Oh and I didn't start P90X yesterday. I got up late and the kids missed the damn bus. I'll try again next week. I will start!

1 comment:

  1. Hi:
    I just joined HMR in MA.. love your blog... gives me a good idea of what to expect. I am doing decision free and on day two.. struggling.

