Sunday, November 7, 2010

Transition - 3 important clues

I've been in transition for 4 weeks now. I'm doing really well. I've elected not to drop wait at this time and try to maintain my current weight which is 173. So I've lost a total of 55 pounds.
I have been able to maintain with ease.

Clue One: Exercise - I'm still running all the time. Exercise is really the key to success. You have got to find something that you love doing and do it...all the time. For those that hate exercise, I'm sincerely sorry. There is no magic bullet...and I sincerely HATE that friggin' saying. But it is true. If you like walking..walk, 1 hour a day. If you like climbing trees..climb trees! 1 HOUR a day. I take 2 days off from running. Dance, jump on a trampoline, jump rope, chase your kids, play frisbee, join a surfing something. Be creative...get creative. I will tell you there is nothing better than putting on my clothes and feeling really good in them. Getting compliments. Turning heads. Nothing...not chocolate or wine makes you feel better. That is my new high. I feel healthy. My strong runners legs look killer in jeans.

Clue #2 - Let it Go - So..something I want to address for those of you out there doing the all day shake fast. Because I know you probably get an earfull of shit from those who are "concerned" about your method of weightloss. Rock it girls! I've done a million diets and this is the one that got me to where I needed to be and very quickly. I haven't gained a pound back. So for all of those out there that said, "When you start eating you are going to gain it back quickly." It is not true. I mean, if you go hog wild and starting couch surfing and eating bon-bons all the time you will gain it back. If you have been doing your exercise and building lean muscle and boosting your metabolism you are going to continue to burn like crazy. My body still burns. I've had icecream. Not the low-fat kind. I've eaten some of the kids candy. I choose not to make it a big deal. Before I would have told myself, "No!" Then I would begin the cat and mouse game. The candy would call my name again and again and again until I would finally give in. Then when I gave in I would feel like I failed. I'd eat the whole bag with the thought that I'd start again tomorrow. Never again! Never ever again. If I want to eat a butterfinger out of the trick or treat bag. I eat it. I eat it nice and slow and enjoy it and move on. I'm done playing that game with myself. Let it go!

Clue #3 - Eat, keep your metabolism on high! The most important clue that has worked for me is to eat. Eat at least every 3 hours. Your metabolism is like a fire. In order to keep it burning you've got to feed the fire. Eat within 1 hour of getting up. If your doing shakes drink them every 3 hours. Get all your shakes in. Getting your calories in is key to loosing weight. I can't stress that enough. If you try to eat less calories your body will stop burning. You do not want that to happen. You will lose that muscle that is so key to staying thin. Plus muscle looks a lot sexier than blubber when your fitting into those skinny jeans.

So those are the 3 big clues that I have learned in this big meltdown. I still want to drop an additional 13 pounds. But not right now. I'm enjoying this maintenance learning period. This is how I will live the rest of my life. Not on a perpetual diet. But being the happiest I've been in many many years. You can have this too. It is not as hard as you think. It is yours to have. Believe me..I'm not some sort of extra ordinary after-school special. You can do it. I'm here to help you if you need it!


  1. Congratulations on maintaining!!! I love your clues. I'm completely struggling right now. I had my first class a week ago (so I'm no longer doing HMR at home), and this has been the roughest week of my life. I'm not doing all shakes, but instead 3 shakes, 2 entrees. Still, so difficult, especially since I feel so very alone. NO ONE in my family has ever struggled with weight loss, so they have NO clue what I'm doing! Ugh!

    I am one of these folks who hates exercise. Plus I've been sick, so I have no urge to use that bike that sits next to the couch. I'd rather use the couch. I'm so impressed with your motivation to exercise and keep it going, but I have to ask HOW???! How do I convince myself to get off the couch and ride my bike instead?? Guess I'll just start laying out my bike clothes in the morning, so it's there when I get home.

    Congrats again :D.


  2. "You can have this too. It is not as hard as you think. It is yours to have. Believe me..I'm not some sort of extra ordinary after-school special. You can do it. I'm here to help you if you need it!"

    These are very powerful words! I have been repeating this in my head all day, "It is yours to have."

    I have been following your blog for quite some time now and find it very motivating. Thank you for sharing this experience with us.


  3. Leah, I hated exercise too!! But I'm completely addicted now. Its the oh about a high. I started out my telling myself that I'm just going to the end of the road. When I get to the end of the road it feels good and I want to go a little bit further. Then I start imagining myself walking into a club and feeling good and HOT as hell..and I want to go a little further. Then I think about that guy that I haven't seen in a long time and making his draw drop when he sees me! All of those things motivate me while I'm exercising. I really try to keep my head out of the game. When I'm running I absolutely have moments when my head chimes in and says, "Oh, just will still burn 500 calories. Don't you feel your knee tweeking a little? You should walk!" It is definately me against me out there. But if I stop thinking about what I'm doing and more about what I'm going to look like when I hit my goal. Leah, YOU CAN DO IT! It is yours to have.

    Evelyn! I'm glad to have you along for this wild wacky ride. Those words are very very true. Through this process I have continued to tell myself again and again that this is my journey and definately not as hard as I think. It is like what Christopher Robin told Pooh, ‎"Promise me you'll always remember: you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." We never give ourselves enough credit. Go for it girl! Make it happen. I cheering wildly for you over here on the east coast!!
