Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Perpetual Diet

I've been on my own maintenance plan since my program ended 4 weeks ago. A new program starts up in Jan. I'm really needing something in between. Craving the weekly weigh in. The structure. I'm an odd duck aren't I? I haven't lost or gained anymore weight. I sailed through Thanksgiving. My grandmother actually burst into tears when she saw me. My Aunt tore my coat off as I was screaming, "Easy..its friggin' Banana!" I paid a small child for that coat. I know that I look different. I didn't realize how different. I've lost a total of 56 pounds. I have about 20 more to go.

I've delighted in my structure free environment for the past 4 weeks or so. I've emptied a bag of dark chocolate raisinets. I ate 4 little tiny whoopie pies that landed me in the bathroom for an evening. Remember back when I snuck carrots on my shake diet? Good grief. I'm a serious sinner now.

So, I've been reading about programs close to my home that I could attend. There is a hospital program...but I'm done with the heavy hitting. There is a gym and they have a "biggest losers club." I toyed with that one and the new weight watchers program. The thought of getting yelled at at 6am is not appealing to me yet. I've never been a fan of weight watchers. I kinda agree with the science behind the Atkins plan but lean towards the South Beach approach. Carbs matter. Sorry!! But they do. My body loves low carb. But I know that it is not the healthiest way to live. All things in moderation. Losing weight by eating a steak and lobster dipped in butter is just not ok. Yum. Yum. Yum! For real....YUM! I'm being a bit harsh and extreme on the Atkins crew. I've read the science and I get it. The problem with weight watchers has always been that they didn't account for carbs and protein! Now they do! The points are calculated (somehow) by fat/fiber/protein/carbs. No more calories! A bag of popcorn is no longer only 2 points. It is 4. Bannana's are 0 points! Most fruits and veggies are 0 points. Interesting eh? I thought so. So I totally bit. I signed up for the online weight watchers and started counting points yesterday. I didn't go full throttle and join a class. I'll see how the first week goes. Ease back into the group therapy.

Last night I had 5 points left so I ate 1/4 cup of dark chocolate raisinets. Man those are my achilles heal. I'm only going to do this until I lose the rest of the weight. I would really like to just bang out these last 20 lbs and drink shakes for 4 weeks. I cannot. I have to learn how to eat correctly and lose. Your not supposed to lose all the weight doing shakes. So...weight watchers it is.

By the way...I haven't started P90X yet. I'm a slacker. Next Monday for sure. :)


  1. I agree. It would be so much easier to just do shakes (I'm doing shakes and entrees) to lose all the weight and be done with it! But, to maintain the weight loss, you have to learn how to survive without the shakes. Sounds like you've got the right idea!

    Good luck with WW and keep in mind, you don't have to start P90X on a Monday!


  2. Hi,

    I noticed that you have had a lot of success with the HMR diet. I am thinking about doing it but had a couple of questions. I tried to send you a PM on three fat chicks, which is where I saw the link to your blog but I have not had enough posts to send PM's I guess. If you would not mind e-mailing me @ scprincess45@hotmail.com I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much and keep up the good work!

  3. Hi I recently started drinking a couple of shakes a day with normal food- just less quantity. Interested in knowing how you are doing now?


  4. I just found your blog when trying to research the hmr shake only diet. I found it very motivating and honest and am looking forward to feeling empowered by my own journey!

    Congratulations, and thank you so much!

  5. Hi everyone! Wow has life taken me on a whirlwind tour since I wrote last. I have gotten divorced, moved in with my mom(34 years old!), moved out and am now moved back into the original house my ex and I had bought together. I was able to keep the weight off for almost 2 years. Most recently I have gotten into a new relationship and fallen into old habits. I've put weight back on. I'm ready to take control again. Anyone with me? Ready to (sigh) start again?
