Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 67 - Treading Water

Ok...I confess I'm getting tired of this. I ate 6 carrots out of the pot roast the other day. I cannot give up! I cannot sabatoge myself. IT IS REALLY HARD RIGHT NOW. I feel good, I look in the mirror and I like what I see. Everyone is telling me how thin I am....and I just want to eat. I want to eat like a normal person.

This too shall pass. I know it will pass. It is a hurdle that has crept up in my way and I will leap over it. Right? I always find a way to leap over these hurdles. Ugh. Yes, the overly enthusiastic, exercising crazy women is lying face down on the floor. I'm beat. Spent. We all reach these walls. Will I get over it and move on? Or will I sneak out to the fridge tonight and eat all the alfredo while everyone is sleeping? Where is my self-control?

I did go running this morning. First time in 7 days. It was a strange out of body experience. I have got to get it together.....


  1. I think getting back on track with exercise will keep you focused to stay on track with HMR. I know I always feel like eating healthier when I've exercised.

    I understand how hard it is. I'm only in week 2 and I'm struggling (probably because I didn't lose any weight this week...don't know why...very discouraging). But, with support, we both can get through this!

  2. Thanks! I did run this morning. It was slow, but I was out there. I've also increased my water intake...trying to down out the cravings I suppose.

    We are FINE FRIGGIN' WINES!!!! There is nothing we can't do. We have been through a lot worse...and food will NOT win. Not this time damn it!

    Two weeks! That is awesome. The first two weeks were really tough. Your body is detoxing and getting rid of all the salt, sugar, and fat. I bet it seems like every day goes by so slow huh? But before you know it you will be at day 67 like me! It goes by fast when you can figure out how NOT to focus on food. Staying busy is a must for me. Seems like Thursday weigh in is always here!

    There is another girl in my class that had a couple of weeks where she didn't lose either. Make sure your eating all of your shakes. Sometimes your body gets nervous and starts to go into "starvation" mode where it conserves your weight. Drink tons of water and get all your shakes in. Try the chicken soup! Some people don't like it, but I eat it every single night. Just nice to be able to eat something warm and with a spoon!
