Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 42 - Huge Milestone!

I am officially under 200 pounds!!! 197 to be exact. 31 pounds down....
I needed to hit this milestone. I've been dragging lately. After my weekend of full on family assault I've been fighting off my food demons. All of my family got together for Labor Day weekend. One of my triggers is carrying other peoples burdens. After listening to problem after problem, I felt heavy. I wanted to eat badly. I watched them all move from one meal to the next. If it wasn't food it was alcohol. Everyone putting things in their mouth. Moving from one location to the next to sit and snack, drink, and go on and on about problems problems and more problems. No one really did anything else. Sure there were a few rides up and down on the camp road on the four-wheeler. My sister and I went for a 4 mile walk which was the highlight of my 2 days. I love my family. I love my family very very much. It was just very difficult to face my triggers and battle against them.

Today after seeing the scale and going for a nice long run I feel back in the groove. After 3 days of decompressing from the family affair, I'm finally feeling better again.

I've also been trying new types of exercise. Last night I did Yoga! I never thought I would like it. I thought it would be breathing and stretching. It was so much more than that. I was sweating bullets. My muscles were so worked. It was great strength training without having to life weights and also a great great stretching and breathing class. I needed it. It felt great.

I have to tell you that on several occasions I almost left the gym last night. I'm not a very social person. I'm uncomfortable meeting new people. Often I'm written off as a snob. I'm not a snob, just really shy. I don't like trying new things. It is very hard for me. I had to force myself to stay and try out this class. I'm glad that I did. I'm going to go twice a week! It was that incredible.

I still have not eaten food. I have no desire to do so. There is not a food out there that would taste as good as I feel right now losing weight. Which also scares me. What happens when I stop losing? I have to change up my mind..the real game is going to begin when I stop losing. The game of keep away. Keep off the weight. That will be the biggest challenge.

All of my clothes are starting to get really baggy! I FRIGGIN' LOVE IT! It has all happened so fast that I still expect to wake up and find myself back at 228 pounds. I don't know how many dreams I've had that I actually lose the weight. But, I never have. It is all very dream like. I completely encourage anyone to try it! 42 days = 31 pounds. Not as hard as you think and there is nothing like starting to look pretty in the mirror again.

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