Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 63 - Exhausted!

My husband and I moved our business and our home over the weekend. It has derailed me. I have NOT eaten any food. I just haven't run since I ran the 5K on Saturday. I haven't been to Zumba or Yoga. To top it all off I have this abnoxious head cold. Oh man, its a doozy.

I have noticed that I hang up the things I enjoy in times of stress. I'm stressed. I'm not sure I have mentioned this before, but I don't stress easy. I'm not a "stress eater." I'm a bored eater. I'm a reward eater. During this stressful time I've found it more difficult then ever to remind myself to get all of my calories in. I really feel like I can't let myself enjoy the things I was doing until I'm over these hurdles. I'm going to call it being really focused. Just like when I'm in the zone dieting...focused. I need to figure out how to find balance. I know that when I'm out running I have really clear thoughts. It is helpful to run when there is a problem. Your mind goes to a different place. I'm going to really try to get to yoga tonight for myself. Leave all of my issues, stress, and problems at the door.....


  1. Great job keeping to the program during the stressful time! I've heard such great things about yoga for reducing stress. It's awesome that you're not turning to food, but to a healthy method!

    I haven't figured out how to get exercise into my day on a regular basis. Any suggestions?

  2. Well, in class they gave me a pedometer and said we needed to get in 10,000 steps a day. So if I can't get my "structured" exercise in that day I really try to get all my steps in. Even if it means parking my car further away from work. Walking anywhere I can walk. Taking the stairs instead of an elevator. I get up at 5:30 on run days to get my 1 hour run in. The big key when it comes to exercise, (I think!), is to do something you enjoy. Then you find the time to do it no matter what you have to give up to do it. What is your schedule like?

  3. I get up around 7 every day for work and get home again by 6pm. Typically I'm exhausted from my day. I used to have a personal trainer, but she moved locations, so I can't use the gym I was using before. I do have a goal to participate in RAGBRAI (the bike ride across Iowa) next summer, so I definitely will need to get on my bike and train for that! Maybe I'll just have to force myself to get up earlier and ride!

  4. I have to tell you how much I love the area you live in. More specifically a little south in Marin. I love the valleys in Marin. I have always called them Ewok villages!

    My sister lived in St. Helena for awhile. Beautiful little town. I plan to come out there again at some point and enjoy the nature more than the food!!

    You will do what you need to do to get your exercise in. You will find the time. I have let my exercise slide this week...gotta get back into the grove. I miss it. I feel like "my time" has been taken from me and I'm a little out of balance.

    Your stats are like mine right? Well, I've hit 185 pounds and my mother told me last night that she thought I was shorter! Losing 43 pounds is like losing a small child on our frame. Its a big deal. A big change. My entire frame looks smaller. I have a collar bone! Its a wonderful thing and has only taken 9 weeks on the HMR. Stay focused!! It is the most rewarding thing I've ever done for myself.
