Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 18 - Liquid Fast - WTF?????????

Ok, I'm freaking out! Freaking the *&%$ out!! I'm drinking my morning coffee. I've looked at all the typical morning sites. I'm drumming my fingers trying to figure out what else to surf to burn a little more time before I go for my walk. So, why not type in "What is the percentage of people who diet that are able to keep off the weight." Sure! Why not google that? It must return something encouraging. Right?

WRONG! Big, fat, UGLY WROOOONG! It says 95% of people regain the weight. To make matter worse I stumble across this horrific they should keep it to themselves link.

Now what?? Gastro bypass surgery? I can't help but ask myself "WHAT IS THE POINT?" Why am I working so friggin' hard to achieve something that I'm not going to be able to keep? Its like busting your butt to raise enough money to buy a car. You buy it and then you can't keep it. Would you bother to raise the money? If you would then I think you should just give all of your money to me. Cause I'd find something better to do with it. I mean..C'mon! I'm going to draw back upon something that was incredibly motivating for me as a child. I grew up in a single parent home. Well, not really I had a a step-father here or there. One of those men told me that I would amount to nothing. That because I come from a broken home and have suffered abuse from none other than he who should not be named, that my destiny was already predetermined. Statics said that I wouldn't be successful in my life. I have never been more determined to prove those statics wrong. I had dreams! I had goals! How could a number categorize me in a lump with a bunch of other people? That was always in my mind when I blazed through high school and then again through college. I graduated. I became a very young director of a non-profit organization. I accomplished what they said could not be done. So EX step-father wherever you maybe....kiss my ass. Sit in your nasty sweatpants and kiss my ass. On second thought don't come anywhere near my ass. Oh sister..ya know the other one that would make nothing of herself? She has her own wildly successful wine distribution company. SUCCESS #2. You on the other hand are going through your 4th unsuccessful marriage. No matter what you said or did you didn't come even remotely close to ruining my life. I hope that bounces around in your tiny brain for years to come. You were wrong.

Ok...moving on. So, in order to become the very rare 5% we have to draw from something very personal. Something special. A gift that someone may have given you that you didn't realize was a gift at all. For me verbal abuse! Is it not enough to simply want to be in that 5%. You must have something so motivating that it motivates you through all the bullshit.

Yes, I admit its kind of twisted. But isn't the best revenge just being successful? Too many people repeat in their heads those inner recordings. Those despicable people that obviously hated themselves trying to bring us down with them. We listen to it in our heads over and over and over and again whether we realize it or not. The damage they did years ago is still doing damage now. STOP IT! FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP. Stop letting them rule your life. Stop giving them the power. THAT IS ENOUGH. Use it to drive you to your destination. Use it to push you through the hard times. Use it to make yourself better. Again like I said in my previous blog entry. You are a FINE FINE wine. Not many of get the opportunity to struggle. I said it, opportunity. There is no other way to look at it. Its ok. Love it. Learn from it. Move on. Enough is enough.

Let's not let numbers or statistics dictate our lives. For once lets be in charge of our own dam lives!! I will be in that 5%. I will get to my goal weight and I will love myself enough to stay there. I know it will not be easy. But being overweight hasn't been easy either. So I can choose. It is my choice. I will be thin and fight to stay there or I will be heavy and fight to stay alive. Yeah...I too. Let's do it!

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