Monday, August 2, 2010

Liquid Fast - Day Five

This is the first morning that I woke up and felt good. I didn't need any sleep meds last night. I woke up and I didn't feel tired. Its been a LONG time since that has happen. Being overweight I battle fatigue on a consistant basis.

I did end up riding my bike for 1/2 hr. yesterday evening. So I did get some exercise in. Not the recommended hour I'm supposed to..but at least it was something.

I'm going up to Steele Hill tonight. I will use their equipment to get in a solid hour. Then I'll sit in the hot tub. Bliss!

So, I feel like I've dropped now. I'm not telling what my scale says. Wait till the official weigh in on Thursday evening to find out how this is working for me.

Drinking tons of water. Not going to the bathroom as much. How does that work exactly? I started drinking the water and my body was flushing it out like crazy. Now that I'm drinking even more water I seem to be keeping it in..or my body is giving it the organs I've been depriving of it for so long. Not sure...anyone out there have an ideas?

Its not as tough as you think it is to see someone else eating. If you really start to think about it then it begins to bother you. My stomach starts growling like its hungry. But if I keep my focus, try to maintain a decent conversation, or think of something else it helps. I just keep imagining the end result. I'm gonna look GOOD! I deserve it. I've been ruining myself for way to long.

If you really start to think about what you are doing to your body when you over eat it will make you sick. Putting fat into your blood stream. So much fat that it starts to clog the veins...heart disease, stroke, heart attack, diabetes. I think my body is starting to reward me with less fatigue. It feels good!

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